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Loving Your Style

Style - My Friend Debbie     There is nothing quite like being happy with yourself and comfortable with who God made you to be. No matter what trendy fashions come and go… a great smile and genuine enthusiasm will always be in style!

     With spring on its way, it’s time to spruce up your wardrobe and get prepared. Here are some tips from image experts to get started on making the most of your style this spring:

     Before shopping for anything new, first take care of the basics. Go through your closet and get rid of things that fall into these three categories:

  1. Items That You Don’t Like:

    If you didn’t wear it last spring, chances are high that you won’t wear it this spring either, so give it up. If you do'nt feel pretty in it, you're not going to want to wear it. Sometimes, you may like it on the hanger, but every time you put it on, it doesn’t fit right for one reason or another—it’s either too short, too long, too loose, too tight, or just plain too drab-- and you end up taking it off and going with something else every time! If that happens to you, then it’s time to pass it on! Only keep things you love and feel great in. Ask yourself, "Would I take this on a trip?" If the answer is "No," then you may not want to keep it hanging around.

  3. Items That Are In Disrepair:

    If clothing items can be repaired, then do so, but chances are, if it hasn’t been done so far, it might not get done anytime soon, and it’s just adding more stress to your to-do list. If that’s the case, bag it up for your local charity. But, if you’re up for it, designate a basket for anything that needs some attention to make it useful again like: a button replaced, a hem fixed, or a spot removed—then take and repair them all at once. Return them to your closet once they are in good working order. You might enjoy the old favorites again and you will have saved yourself some money! Shoes can be repaired as well. New polish, soles or heels can bring them back to life.

  5. Items That Don’t Fit:

    The proper fit is one of the most important aspects of style. It’s better to have things slightly larger than needed to get the best overall look. This way, the fabric can hang and move the way the designers intended for the most flattering image. However, wearing clothes that are too baggy just because they are comfortable does not always present the best image and can come across as sloppy. If clothing items don’t fit well, consider having them altered at a tailoring shop. I've always done this to acheive a well-fitted look, and it has worked well. It doesn't take much for a seamstress to take in the waist, or let out a seam, or hem the sleeves to help make your clothes look custom fitted just for you. If that doesn't work for you, I recommend just getting rid of them. Don’t try to hang onto clothes that don't fit until you lose weight—if that happens, you’ll want to celebrate with new clothes anyway!! Right!?

     Enjoy these few weeks of transition in the weather to get prepared. Consider doing the same thing with your shoes, handbags and accessories. You’ll enjoy the order and neatness and it will save you time getting ready once the season changes. You might discover something you didn’t know you had… and you might create a little inspiration and space for something new!


Copyright © 2008-2015 Debbie Reynolds Harper

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