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Is Adoption an Option?

     On November 2, 2006, two years ago, we excitedly received news of the referral of our precious baby girl, Zoey LuMei, from China!   We had begun our journey to adopt her approximately 2 years previously in November of 2004.

      We have three wonderful biological sons ranging in age from 7-16 years old.  I had always imagined having a daughter to raise and couldn’t settle on waiting for life to pass by to wait for a granddaughter.  There is something special about having the opportunity to parent a daughter.  There are so many differences in boys and girls.  Actually, our sons had always wondered what it was like to have a sister in the family.  We would never have thought to go through the adoption process if we thought there would be any conflict with our sons in feeling neglected.

     My husband, Ricky, and I used to tease each other about adopting a little girl, but I don’t think either of us really understood how the process worked or if we would actually go through with it. It seemed like a dream that most likely would never happen.  We thought of finances, paperwork, travel to a foreign country and raising an adopted child would be far out of our reach.

     We had friends who had adopted from Ukraine and we started thinking about what it would be like if we adopted from that country.  I never felt like that was where God was leading us.  A few years passed and we just couldn’t seem to come to an agreement on where to adopt and if we ever would.

       We went to a Steven Curtis Chapman Concert in the summer of 2004.  We love to go to Christian concerts and he is one of our favorite artists.  He and his wife graciously adopted three daughters from China at different times.  At this time, he had just made his video of “When Love Takes You In”.  Watching his daughter on the video and hearing that song just made my heart melt!... No, make that crumble!...  I was sobbing in my seat and I knew right then that the Lord was leading us to China.  I asked my husband to please go pick up one of the folders on how to adopt that they were being passed out at the show.  It was such an obvious answer at that moment.....at least to me, but not my husband.

      I went home and did some research on the internet to see how this process works and to find out what adoption agency we could choose.  They listed the countries, the fees, the requirements, such as, age, length of marriage, length of travel, etc.  I also found sites that showed children ready to be adopted and I wanted to go get her.....yesterday!  Time couldn’t go by fast enough for the day to finally have her in my arms!

      Ricky was still pondering the country, even though he was convinced that we must adopt.  He knew so much about the Ukraine adoptions that he couldn’t get his mind off of it.  Finally, on one of his business travels, he met a man who was just coming back from China working in an orphanage on a missions trip.  His wife had just told him about a dream she had about a baby girl crying in a field in a basket in the snow.  They already had four daughters and they both believed God was telling them that they were to adopt from China.  Well, after they turned in all of their paperwork and waited the many months for their referral, they found out that the daughter that they were going to be given was found in a basket....in a field.....in the SNOW!   The exact dream, or should I say vision, actually came true!  That miraculous story changed Ricky’s heart. When he came home from his plane trip he told me right away that he knew we would adopt from China. We finally had the green light for the option of adoption!


Not flesh of my flesh,
Nor bone of my bone,
But nonetheless,
My very own.
Never forget
For a single minute
That you weren't born
under my heart,
But in it.

~by Fleur Conkling Heylinger

Zoey’s Website:

“When Love Takes You In” song on website

China Orphanage Aid:

Hugging Grannies:

Copyright © 2008-2015 Suzanne Newton

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