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A Little Measure of Faith
Several weeks ago, my husband was scheduled to go out of town for a business trip to Texas. These trips are not an unusual occurrence, but one that neither he nor I look forward to. We of course miss one another, but he also doesn't like to be away from his family for extended periods of time. And, for me his absence also means no assistance with the children. When he told me the news that he would be leaving for a least a week, maybe more, I tried to have a good attitude because there was nothing to do but accept it - right? Well, Erich kept saying, "Please pray that I will not have to go." And of course I did, but I also felt it my job to remind him that he might indeed have to go and he needed to have a good attitude.
All week long he made preparations for his trip. He even cut the grass in anticipation for an extended stay. At about 5:00 p.m. on the evening he was scheduled to leave, he got a call notifying him that he would not be needed for this trip. The project had ended earlier than expected. We both looked at each other in amazement. God had answered our prayer. A very simple prayer, but God chose to bless us and build our faith in the process.
Copyright © 2008-2015 Christy Biswell
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