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“But the Lord is in His holy temple: let all the earth keep silence before Him.”
Habakkuk 2:20 KJV

“Be silent, O all flesh, before the Lord: for He is raised up out of His holy habitation.”  Zechariah 2:13 KJV

     The Lord had led me into three steps of prayer up to this point: praying in the Spirit, praying the Word, and praying through praise.  The next step He had me take was one of silence.  At first it was difficult to quiet my mind before Him, but after my first experience, it was something I sought after with all my heart.

     One day as I was praying through praise, the Lord whispered in my ear, “Be still and know that I am God.”  Ps. 46:10.  I stopped everything and listened to hear what He was telling me.  He brought to mind what I had read in Francis J. Robert’s book, Come Away My Beloved.  It was entitled “The Solitary Relationship.”  In part it read, “This is a solitary walk.  This abiding place in me is completely removed from the multitude; yea, it is a place to be shared with no other --- not even thy dearest friend.  This knowing Me in secret is an experience alien to the world.  This union with Me is the source of thy life, of thy strength, of thy health and vitality.  Nothing can substitute.”

     The passage also said that prayer and fellowship are good, but they are no substitute for solitary communion  which is the source of life in Him and can be received only in this solitary relationship.  God told me to seek that place in Him where no one can intrude.  There is where I would find Him, and, in so doing, I would discover all other lacks fulfilled, for in Him there is abundant Life, and with Him there is only joy forevermore.

     It took a little time to get to that place of complete quietness, but I finally arrived. It was as though I had entered the very heart of God.  I was enveloped in His love.  In complete quietness was a place of perfect peace, the place where wisdom resides.  His love poured over me like sweet perfume.  The peace was all encompassing.  I could not run from or escape it for I was consumed by His presence which was a taste of heaven.  

     My breath seemed to have left my body, but then I began breathing in unison with the Creator.  We became one heartbeat.  I did not feel the need to pray for anything or anyone, for He infused  me with a depth of faith I had not experienced before.  He let me know He has commissioned  each of us to pray for certain people.  He knows each one personally, and He is aware of their needs.  He let me know that, as I was in His presence, those individuals were in His presence also.  He let me know He would care for them and that His perfect will for their lives would be done.  He told me He was watching over everything that concerns me.  Not a word was spoken, but my prayer was complete. I knew as never before the work had been done.

     From that moment on, until He took me to my next step, my prayer time was one of silence.  It was a place of purity.   It became a birthing place for answered prayer.  I felt I was in the womb of greatness.  Each time I came into His presence, we meshed heart to heart, spirit to spirit. As  the individuals I was to pray for filtered through my mind and heart, they would pass from me into the heart of God.  I freely released them, knowing God would handle the situations in ways that were best for them.

     I was reminded of the woman with the issue of blood.  In faith she reached out and touched the hem of Jesus’ garment.  She did not stop and tell Him of her need which was within her.  Without a word, in silence she reached out, and her faith made her whole.  And so it was that, as I entered into the heart of God, the needs I brought before Him were within me.  In faith I reached out to Him, and, without a word, I spoke to Him.  I came away in complete confidence, knowing that He had heard my silence.

     These moments in the presence of my Savior are a time where, in silence, words of love pour out from me to Him.  I am awestruck by His limitless love for me.  His love has no boundaries.  It courses through my veins as a rushing river, flowing over all the rocky crevices of my life.  It is an endless love:  it always was and always will be.  It is the Alpha and Omega love for it begins and ends in Him.  I, of myself, cease to exist and I take up my life in Him.  We become one: me, all the people I bring before Him, and He Himself.

Copyright © 2008-2015 Sylvia Hensel

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