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Teen Funds Orphanage

     This month, I’m pleased to have my granddaughter, Megan MacDonald share her story of an exciting adventure she recently experience. Megan, a senior in high school, raised $30.000 dollars to build an orphanage in Kenya. Our young people are capable of far more than we think—once they catch the vision. I hope you enjoy Megan’s account of what she learned about trusting God.

God is Faithful

By Megan MacDonald

      God is faithful.  Through the past few years of my life God has put me in strenuous situations, testing my faith to help my love and trust grow in Him.  God can do anything.  He has shown me the meaning of patience and the courage and strength it takes to live a life with Him, while even attending a private Christian school.

     I have discovered that God is my savior and friend.  No matter who I am best friends with or who I look up to, God will never forget about me or let me down.  God is so good to me, He is patient and He loves me.  He has blessed me with opportunities that I could have never imagined.  Although I am only 17, throughout my years God has shown me one particular trait, He is always faithful.

     My name is Megan MacDonald. I am a senior and the student body chairman at StoneBridge High School in Chesapeake, Virginia.  God has blessed me with His story and I plan to share it, to show what He can do through a simple girl like me.

     When I was 15 years old my dad and I were discussing what would be an appropriate theme for my sweet sixteen.  I wanted to do something different, rather than celebrating me, I wanted to focus on someone else in need.  Of course, being an average simple-minded Christian, I began to look at something small, something I could accomplish on my own without any stress.

     I considered helping with food banks or the Salvation Army, but my dad felt as if there was something more I could do.  The idea finally came, instead of gifts,to ask for donations to build an orphanage in a third world country. 

     My sixteenth birthday was the best yet; my friends and families donation came close to $4,000.  Excited about the amount raised, my dad and I set up a meeting with ICM, International Cooperating Ministries; a ministry run by an 82 year old man who is focused on spreading the word of God by building churches and orphanages all around the world.

    We began discussing my desire to build an orphanage in India, which was only $7,000, when he then showed me a picture of an African child.  Suddenly I began to weep and knew that God had called me to Kenya, Africa. 

     Mr. Dois Rosser, the founder of ICM, began to tell me that they had yet to begin building in Africa and for their first project they wanted to build a church orphanage in Katali, Kenya.  I instantly agreed and then realized the cost was a significant difference-- to build a church orphanage in Katali would add up to be $30,000.  As we left the office, God reminded me that He was in control.

     In a little over a year, the money was raised and the church was built.  My Dad, Mom and myself had the blessing to go and visit the orphanage on the dedication date.  Not only did we get to meet the 50 orphans and the congregation of over 200 but we had the privilege of meeting the 20 or so students who attended the school in the church.



Copyright © 2008-2015 DeeDee MacDonald

Reader Comments...
2011-02-11 09:07:29
"This is a noble act, especially from a teen! The world needs more people like Meagan. You spent quite a fortune, because US$30,000 is not pocket money. And this is the kind of religion that God is interested in as He speaks to us through His servant James "...taking care of orphans and widows..." Am actually a Kenyan, living in western Kenya for that matter. Did you say Kitale or Katali? Because Kitale is about 60 miles from my hometown, Kakamega and I'll be happy to go see this wonderful work of the Lord through His servant Meagan. God Bless Meagan and ICM."
        - Joseph
2010-03-16 09:38:02
"What a wonderful story! It would be great if you shared how you raised the funds. Did you just ask for money or did you do fundraisers? The first $4,000 was from friends and family donations, I know but that leaves out how you accumulated the other $26,000. Sharing how you raised the additional funds might help others who are inspired to help out find a way to do so. "
        - Wendy
2010-03-14 11:33:16
"My heart was touched and blessed as I viewed the pics of the precious children and Megan among them. It thrills me to think God may be calling Megan to the mission field! There is no GREATER CALLING and ADVENTURE than the service of the Lord! "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose" (Jim Elliot, maryted missionary to Peru). God bless you Megan,"
        - Uncle Jim
2010-03-12 08:12:29
"What a sweet young lady! God is, and will continue, to use her. She will continue to be in our prayers. Thanks for sharing this article.

Your friend,"
        - Shirley

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