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Mexico Missions Trip

     A team made up of 35 people left Norfolk, Virginia for a one-week missions building trip to Mexico. Our goal: To complete the church building we had started the previous year.  

     Our church has been involved in Missions projects since 1985. This team was made up of folks from all walks of life, business owners, office and business managers, retirees, housewives and a hand full of people who actually have expertise in the construction field. Some referred to us as a rag-tag team.  This was a perfect name for us. God can use anyone and everyone to accomplish His goals.

Our Daily Routine

      The team started every day with a devotional and singing.  The song we sang every day was, “We are standing on Holy Ground,” and we treated the job site as Holy Ground. We knew God had a special purpose for this place.

Our Mission

      The church we worked on was located in one of the poorest districts outside of Cancun Mexico.  The “homes” surrounding the church looked as though they were constructed out of scraps of whatever could be found and pieced together with items you cannot even imagine.  They have one-room, dirt floors and bars are on all the “windows.” Actually there were very few windows that had glass. The people had hammocks are their beds. But when the people come out of their homes to check out all the activity, they had on freshly laundered clothes and big smiles.


     Our mission was to complete the second story of the church, put the roof on and many other assignments.  There was mortar to be mixed, cinderblock to be laid, steel beams to be scraped and painted, concrete walkway to be poured and electrical work to be done and the list went on and on.

Our Work

     The mechanics of placing the steel beams for the roof was masterful.



     We also had fun with the children, playing games, sharing Bible stories with them and passing out treats.

Our Missionary

     The Missionary to Mexico, is David Smith.  We are able to complete so much because of his expertise and having the needed materials on the job site.

     The Pastor of the church, Marlene Chi came to be the church with a membership of eight people, this included her family members.  The church membership is now over one hundred and growing.

Our Reward

      We held a dedication service for the newly constructed and ready-for-use church.  To see families place their hands on the walls as we prayed the prayer of dedication for the church was a wonderful blessing to us. We asked God to allow the building to be used in many ways for the surrounding community. To know that God was pleased with our work and that it would bless the people there was all the team needed in return for all the hard labor and sacrifices that were made to go on “the best Mission trip ever!” Of course, that’s what we call it every time we return from a trip.

      Dave and I were so glad our son, David was able to come on the Mission trip. We were happy to travel to people who needed us and to be doing something so special.

Our Service

Insights from Eric Watt on the Mission of God
The Fast Track to Greatness

      God’s path to greatness has clearly defined boundaries.  True greatness in God’s eyes is found when you serve the needs, ambitions and dreams of others.  The world’s upside down view is self-promoting, but God’s ways are about honoring others. “Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave-just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.”  (Matthew 20:26-28)

      Heavenly Father, Today I commit to walk your path of servanthood.  Help me to cease from striving for my own gain or recognition and instead find ways to make those around me shine.  In honoring others I will honor you.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen. 


Copyright © 2008-2015 DeeDee MacDonald

Reader Comments...
2010-04-15 10:04:41
"Thanks for writing the article about the mission's trip. I was able to send it out to my friends and family to read and have gotten some nice emails back in return. The trip was truly a blessing to be on and be able to do God's work."
        - Monica

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