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Freedom A Cause Worth Fighting For
America celebrates July 4th as Independence Day. Bloody battles were fought to bring freedom to the Colonies. “Taxation without Representation” was one of the primary grievances, and the central cause of the English Civil War. The people of this new land wanted the freedom to govern themselves, and the liberty to worship freely.
Down through the ages many battles have been fought to maintain that freedom. No country wants to be in bondage to another. Freedom is a cause worthy of protection, to the point of sacrificing lives. It had real meaning, and most did their best to live by it.
These words now read:
I pledge allegiance to the Flag
of the United States of America,
and to the Republic for which it stands:
one nation under God, indivisible,
with liberty and justice for all.
Proclaiming this oath of loyalty should be said with hearts of gratitude, however, there may be a tendency among many Americans to recite, “by rote” with little thought for the words themselves. Let us take a moment to examine these words.
I pledge allegiance - I promise to be faithful and true (Promise my loyalty)
to the flag - to the emblem that stands for and represents
of the United States - all 50 states, each of them individual, and individually represented on the flag
of America - yet formed into a UNION of one Nation.
and to the Republic - And I also pledge my loyalty to the Government that is itself a Republic, a form of government where the PEOPLE are sovereign,
for which it stands - this governme nt also being represented by the Flag to
one Nation under God, - These 50 individual states are united as a single Republic under the Divine providence of God, “our most powerful resource” (according to the words of President Eisenhower)
indivisible - and cannot be separated.
with liberty - the people of this Nation being afforded the freedom to pursue “life, liberty, and happiness.”
and justice - and each person entitled to be treated justly, fairly, and according to proper law and principle,”
and these principles are afforded to EVERY AMERICAN, regardless of race, religion, color, creed, and any other other criteria. Just as the flag represents 50 individual States that cannot be divided or separated, this Nation represents millions of people who cannot be separated or divided.
Thus it is that when you Pledge allegiance to the United States Flag, You:
- Promise your loyalty to the Flag itself.
- Promise your loyalty to your own and the other 49 states.
- Promise your loyalty to the Government that unites us all, recognizing that we are ONE Nation under God, that we cannot or should not be divided or alone, and understanding the right to Liberty and Justice belongs to ALL of us.
Note: This explanation is taken from the “Home of Heroes” website
We are a country that has been blessed with prosperity and freedom. It cannot be taken for granted. It must be cherished and preserved. Yes, it is worth laying our lives down for, but that is not the problem we face today. It is the fact that in the past we have made God the backbone of our country, and it is because of this that we have been blessed.
- Without God, our freedom is at stake.
- Let us raise our banner, “IN GOD WE TRUST,” and go forth with a mighty cry.
To the victor goes the spoils. Through prayer, and action directed by God, He Himself, we will be victorious. We must fight to keep God as the foundation of our Country for it is our only hope to maintain Godly freedom.
Copyright © 2008-2015 Sylvia Hensel
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