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Enterprising Entrepreneurs
Whoever said Christians couldn’t be rich? The truth is, we’re already rich! We are rich in faith, hope and love. We are so full of God’s fullness; we might as well be millionaires!
So, that’s what some Christians are doing. They are creating economic engines to fuel the ministry and mission of the Kingdom of God. They are influencing not only the economic climate of a region but the spiritual climate as well.
My husband and son recently met several of them. One in particular is Barry Meguiar, President and CEO of Meguiar’s Wax, the top car and boat wax company in the country. I talked to Barry’s wife, Karen, and she told me that Barry’s grandfather, Frank Mequiar, Jr. was a praying man and that he had prayed for a formula for his company and the result was a product that became world famous. The molecular structure of the compound has not been understood by chemists in various laboratories, but the Mequiars hold the patent and the company creates the product that remains in high demand the world over.
The company began first as a furniture polish company in 1901, but then turned its focus to automobiles as the first horse-less carriage came on the market. They were determined not to sell a product unless it was the best of its kind and that remains their goal today, with operations in Hong Kong, Toronto, Paris, Sydney, as well as their home base in Irvine, CA.
It was a great experience for our 15-year-old son, Grant to meet a successful Christian entrepreneur businessman who has a dedicated and bold Christian witness, since this is what he himself would like to do. Barry Meguiar has also started a ministry called, “Outside the Walls,” that reaches car enthusiasts with the Good News.
We can never underestimate what is possible when God is in control. In His Kingdom, all things are for His purpose and for His good.
Copyright © 2008-2015 Debbie Reynolds Harper
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