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Honoring Our Parents

Contributed by our special guest writer, Brad Shedd

     Recently, our family had the honor of celebrating the 50th Wedding Anniversary of my parents, Glenroy and Shirley Shedd. It was a wonderful time together and a day truly worth celebrating in an age where marriage is treated as disposable, or even worse, as not even worth getting into in the first place!

     As we gathered together to celebrate, I offered these simple thoughts. I hope they will encourage you as well!

     The occasion of my parents’ 50th Wedding Anniversary can be summarized in a few short words:

     Providence—It is only by the hand of God that a young man from New Hampshire and a young lady from Wisconsin would somehow meet in the Ozarks of Missouri and discover that God had called them to live their lives together! What a testimony to God’s sovereign working when we reflect on how He has orchestrated every detail of our lives, including this most important decision of our life mate!

     Protection—The stability of my parents’ marriage provided a protection over my life from the multitude of voices that claimed commitment was no longer possible or in vogue. I sensed that covering and shelter even as I went forth to pursue my college education.

     Promise—The testimony of my parents choosing to stay together for life gave hope to me that my marriage could also last . . . and we’re already 23 years married! In addition, this picture of constancy gives a promise and hope to my children that their marriages could also be a solid rock in their lives. A friend of my wife, Alyson’s, shared how her visit to see her own grandparents’ 50th Wedding Anniversary celebration gave her a picture and vision for her own future marriage, even if the marriage of her parents was failing.

     Principalities—However, we would be naïve to think that marriage is not a target of the enemy. In fact, I am convinced that marriage and family are some of the PRIMARY targets of the enemy and his ranks . . . There are few things more devastating to adults and children than decimated homes.

     Prayer—As such, we need to pray more than ever for our own marriage and the marriages of our children and grandchildren, as well as the marriages of our generation. Why is it that we have seemed to accept the dismal state of families as inevitable? Let’s rise up and fight on our knees!

     Press In—Anyone who has been married longer than an hour knows that relationships take hard work! There are bumps, challenges, and conflict in store at every stage of life! Love is a choice, love is a lifetime of action . . . love will operate when the feelings are there . . . and especially when they’re absent!

Let’s press in for our own marriage. God willing, and should the Lord tarry, may each of us find ourselves someday celebrating our own 50th Wedding Anniversary!

Copyright © 2008-2015 Alyson Shedd

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