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Family, Friends & Travel
We do like to travel, a lot, it is one of our passions and we have indeed pursued our passion.
When you travel, you appreciate more what you have missed the most and they are your family members. You wish they could go with you and share in all your adventures. You realize they are truly the important pieces that fulfill the puzzle of your life.
Grandchildren Jackson, Jessie, Bailey and Madison
Our son Rob's family.
Our daughter-in-law, Amanda and Madie preparing for an apple picking trip
Our son Dave
Jackson getting his fill of apples.
Our youngest grandson, Brody, he really is a great helper.
Doug, our son, helping out.
Megan, our oldest granddaughter, a senior at Christopher Newport.
Mason, our grandson, a freshman at George Mason
Molly, our granddaughter, a freshman at Liberty University.
My brother Barry, with his wife Pam. Barry organized the singing group "Steppin-Out'. They visit nursing homes and entertain them with a great musical show.
David's brother, William and his wife Ellie.
Our friends are one of the reasons we get to travel so much. We enjoy traveling with them and being in their company.
Bonnie and Charlie, enjoying time spent with them on their yacht.
We do like to share our home with our friends.
Good friends just make life better.
Golfing with our good friends, Vern and Connie.
Going to the Navy football games with our friend Dick.
He graduated from The Naval Academy, class of 1962.
Note the gentlemen in the burgundy robe, Dick's classmate, he was given that when he started attending the Academy, the robe is wool, needless to say it was moth eaten. A cherished memento from his Academy years.
We do enjoy going to football games.
Our friends Lee and Lucille
Meeting new friends Kathy and John, found out they are neighbors to our Pastor.
Of course, Precious, our cat thinks she is the most important friend we have.
Copyright © 2008-2015 DeeDee MacDonald
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