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A Friend Loves at All Times
A real friend will tell you the truth. You may not like it, but if you have a trusting relationship, you will have no other option but to speak the truth in love as the scriptures admonish us to do.
One of the most difficult things to see your friend go through is the turmoil of making the decision to end their marriage commitment and break their sacred vows. When you see someone about to make that kind of mistake, you have a responsibility to be a friend at all times and to love them enough to risk your friendship for the sake of their ultimate good.
You may need to point to the scriptures for her to see and realize the gravity of her choices. You will also need to pray that the light of God's love will heal the wounded and hardened places of her heart and pray that she would learn to trust the Lord to guide her into the miracle He wants to do in her life and the lives of her husband and children.
Here is a scripture that would be good to share with your friend:
Malachi 2:16 "For the Lord God of Israel says that He hates divorce, for it covers one's garment with violence," says the Lord of hosts, "Therefore take heed to your spirit, that you do not deal treacherously."'(NKJV).
Since you are her friend, and may have been for a long time, you will need to speak to her truthfully and let her know that you believe that she is doing the wrong thing to initiate divorce, or to participate in it, except for the Biblical reasons of adultery or abuse.
You will need to tell her that you believe that it goes against God's commandments and covenants. You will need to tell her that you don't believe it is the answer, nor will it lead to the outcome that she wants for herself or her family.
You may want to share with her a few notes from a helpful study Bible that you hope she will consider:
"God Backs Up the Covenant of Marriage. Family order. When two people marry, God stands as a witness to the marriage, sealing it with the strongest possible word: covenant. "Covenant" speaks of faithfulness and enduring commitment. It stands like a divine sentinel over marriage, for blessing or for judgment. Divorce is here described as violence. To initiate divorce does violence to God's intention for marriage and to the mate to whom one has been joined."
Remind her to just remember that her present circumstance is an attack from the enemy and it is better for her not to align herself with the will and the destructive power of the enemy, but rather the will and grace of God! God can really make all things new!
May the Lord give you strength and grace as you speak the truth in love.
Copyright © 2008-2015 Debbie Reynolds Harper
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