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Reusable Fabric Wrapping
Every year we wrap all the gifts we are joyfully giving to friends and family in paper gift wrap. As beautiful as they are, I am always grieved at the waste I observe when we gather bags of trash from all the wrapping paper and throw it all away.
I have tried to at least avoid the cheap throw-away disposable bows. And I have sought to buy and preserve the beautiful ribbons, save them in my Christmas bin, and re-use them again the next year. We have also saved the Christmas gift bags to reuse year after year, and attempt occasionally to fold and preserve some of the gift tissue if it is only gently used. Of course most of it is not, so we let it go into the big trash bag to watch our money (or rather God’s money) be carried in trash bags out the door and fill the landfill.
But this year, I was inspired with what I believe is a God-ordained idea for our family. Since I am convinced that I am a steward of the resources and provisions that God has entrusted to our family (much like Joseph was in the Old Testament), I have asked the Lord for inspiration to come up with a better way.
So, this year I am using beautifully printed Christmas fabric to wrap my presents and fabric bows to tie them together. I went to the fabric store and bought the remnants with coordinating ribbon and they are working perfectly!
I don’t need to use tape. I fold the gift with the fabric and tuck the corners like I would with paper wrapping and then tie and secure a generous piece of ribbon and cut it to tie the present. They look beautiful and the best part is that we can use them again and again, year after year!!
You may want to select a different print for each of your children or grandchildren so that when it comes time to open, you will know whose is whose. You can choose age appropriate prints, or even get some prints suitable for the men on your list. Have fun with it and know that it won’t be going to waste!! Fabric and fabric ribbon can always be reused for household needs!
You can keep the fabric simple in the quilting, country style look, or you can take it up a notch for those special gifts and go with nicer quality fabric and silk ribbons.
Whatever you choose that is complimentary to your family’s style and taste, you can be thankful and happy knowing that you are not being wasteful and that you are using the Master’s resources wisely by being a good steward and a joyful giver!!
The Lord loves a cheerful giver!!
Copyright © 2008-2015 Debbie Reynolds Harper
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