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Hold Your Peace
For many of us, the holidays are a particularly emotional time, with feelings of joy, hope, peace and sorrow all in abundance. Dealing with all of these feelings can spill over and affect our relationships, especially our marriages. I discovered recently, though, that I can determine which feelings will be part of my life. It is my choice.
Recently I experienced a familiar place of deep sorrow and hopelessness. This feeling was one that I have lived with and pushed away through the last three decades of my life. As I lied in bed sensing that burden, heaviness begin to overtake me with its usual deep pain. I thought to myself “oh no, not this cycle again.”
Thankfully, a dear friend called during this time and gave me such words of encouragement. Her words were filled with promise, God’s promises. They breathed life into me and lifted me out of the dark place that was enveloping my heart and spirit.
A few weeks later, the same depressing, hopeless situations, pain and thoughts returned. I cried in desperation to the Lord, “Holy Spirit help me! I don’t want to live like this another decade, another day or moment.” This time, inside of my spirit and heart I heard Holy Spirit say, “Hold your peace, hold your peace, hold on to the place of peace!”
What has surprised me most is that I was unaware that this familiar spirit of deep sorrow, insecurity, inferiority, and hopelessness, had become a part of my life for years. I believe that my personal seeking the Lord and hunger for Him began to break off this yoke that I wasn’t even aware existed.
Can you imagine that all of our dark, sorrowful, insecure anxious days can be overcome?! Wow! We don’t have to be held captive by our emotions and allow them to spill over into our homes. Thank You, Lord Jesus. The key is hearing and practicing or should I say exercising what Jesus says.
Jesus says, I will keep you in perfect peace when your mind in on Me (Isaiah 26:3).
In today’s, vernacular we could say, “I will keep you stable, steady, anchored and full of peace when your mind is on My (Jesus’s) will for you, My (Jesus’s) truth about you and others, My (Jesus’s) purpose for you, and My (Jesus’s) love for you!
Wow, wow, wow, this is awesome! But, my friends, this promise must be contended for and practiced just like, jogging, eating right, or applying a new habit. The Christian life is a discipline. It must be lived intentionally as we are being transformed into the image of Christ and then all these things, our hopes, and desires we can trust Him to fulfill and take care of.
I am so thankful today for great friends who have stood with me, in prayers, fasting and with the Word of faith in their mouths. I am thankful for the Word of God that is able to transform, enlighten and destroy yokes that the enemy uses to try to impede us from fulfilling our destiny, but we are conquerors.
I would encourage you to continually pray Ephesians 1:17-20 and Ephesians 3:16.
Here’s the way I pray this:
“Father thank you that I am filled with the Spirit of wisdom and revelation (supernatural wisdom), to know you better. I thank You, Father, that my spiritual eyes are opened and enlightened that I may know the hope that You have in calling me into the kingdom and Your glorious riches and inheritance to all believers. I thank Yyou, Father, that my strength comes from Your glorious riches and power through Christ Jesus who lives inside of me by faith. I pray Father, that I continue to be rooted and grounded in love and am able to grasp the great depths of your love for me and those in my life. I agree with You that this love is so powerful that it is able to surpass my natural knowledge, emotions and thoughts and fills me up with Jehovah, God, His thoughts, His ways, & His victory. I thank You that I will contend to enter into the place of rest, the rest and peace that Jesus’s blood paid for. I choose life today and forever, glory, amen.”
Copyright © 2008-2015 Heather Kinchlow
Reader Comments...
2011-01-03 08:42:11 "Thank you Lord for the wisdom shared here. It is truly encouraging." - Jana |
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